You're the Expert, Right?
Feb 19, 2023“You're a LinkedIn expert, right”?
That was a question that I was asked the other day and I had to stop and think about it.
Now, some of you may think that's a strange reaction for me to have, because I have a program based on LinkedIn. But I have never thought of myself as a LinkedIn expert.
However, I do think of myself as an expert in helping female leaders, in particular, grow their confidence, build their credibility and shout out their expertise.
The vehicle of choice, besides their personal presence, just happens to be LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a powerful B2B platform and it's such a brilliant way for you:
- to stand out
- to build not only your own confidence, but the confidence of your prospects and your clients
- to claim and create credibility by sharing your expertise.
Being able to shout out your expertise clearly, credibly and consistently on a platform such as LinkedIn is invaluable.
Let's face it, at the core, success on LinkedIn comes from having clear goals, knowing who your key client is and creating a clear, consistent, confident message.
And that takes insight and, yes, some work.
Your job is to hone your image and personal brand to build credibility and showcase your thought leadership and personality.
Your goal is to make sure that the right people hear and remember your message. That you've connected and engaged with your core audience and created a top-of-mind brand.
Why does it matter?
Because your bottom line depends on it.
Through the consistency you've created on LinkedIn, your prospects and clients have come to know your personality, leadership style and expertise. When they need your solution, they remember YOU. You are the one they reach out to rather than your competition (who, by the way, is sitting back doing nothing or showing up sporadically.)
YOU are the one that is top-of-mind
So back to the initial question: Am I a LinkedIn expert?
Yes...but more than that I'm an expert at helping my client's grow their confidence, claim their credibility and showcase their expertise.
The digital vehicle of choice? LinkedIn.
Why? It's a gold mine for business development. As a matter of fact, 4 out of 5 members drive business decisions for their companies!
Don't miss out on building your business - make sure to shout out your expertise!
And if you need help and guidance...
Are you ready to show up consistently? Start by taking the Image Impact Assessment. Click below to begin your no obligation assessment.
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