What Difference Does it Make?
Aug 11, 2022What’s the difference? Well, what is there to lose?
You might be thinking “what’s the difference?” when it comes to establishing your credibility, especially online.
Is it really going to improve your leadership, or will you just become attached to being on LinkedIn all day? You have a job to do, where would you find the time? In this day and age, you have to show up both in person and online.
If you’re used to hiding behind your screen, you’re missing out. Your competitors are showing up and getting opportunities that could’ve been yours. But my point is not to stress you out. I understand it can be time consuming and frustrating. My point is to bring perspective to the process.
If harnessing your expertise as a thought leader is out of your comfort zone, you can stay safe. But really, what if you chose to step out of your comfort zone? What do you think would happen?
Now right about now you might be saying: “Karyl, I hear you, but what if I post a video that only gets a few views?” Well, how many views is it getting in your drafts folder?
“What if no one cares about what I have to say?” They might not at first. But without trying, you’ll never know.
“What if I just stick to networking?” Networking is great! But what if people came to you instead of you trying to find the right people to talk to?
There are so many tools and resources available, are you using them to your advantage? What do people see when they Google you? Do they still see you as an expert? Can they even find you?
So many times the thing we want is on the other side of our comfort zone. There’s a breakthrough waiting to happen. My goal is to help you get closer to what you want in your career. That might be industry recognition, dream clients, respect from peers, or a promotion.
I only ask that you show up for yourself, and through The Credibility Program, you’ll be on your way to being the go-to, well known expert in your industry. It's up to you. Would you rather stay in your comfort zone, or take the first step toward your dreams?
“Launching the video campaign on LinkedIn was the turning point. I had the knowledge and marketing savvy to do this myself, but I didn’t. Her program really gave me the structure and great coaching to start producing. Everything added up to a renewed sense of confidence that was a wonderful side-effect. When you’re more confident, your results get better.” - Carol W.
“When you are trying to redefine yourself, or already are known in a certain way, it takes an expert outside to help you make that breakthrough. Using Karyl made that change exciting for them to see and easier on me.” - Wendy C.
Are you ready to show up consistently? Start by taking the Image Impact Assessment. Click below to begin your no obligation assessment.
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