The Perfectionist Pitfall
Sep 01, 2022I’ve been working with women in leadership for a long time. You know what I see? A lot of backpedaling, stalling, and frustration. It’s not from imposter syndrome. It’s not a self esteem issue. And it’s definitely not incompetence. It’s the tiniest bit of self doubt mixed with perfectionism and served with a fear of failure.
Women in leadership can be GREAT at making an intentional plan! And then backpedaling instead of taking action. Even those who appear confident and pep talk their team every morning sometimes doubt themselves at the very last minute when it comes to their own credibility. We make it so complicated that we get in our heads and sabotage opportunities.
My client Lisa is an incredible professional speaker and trainer, but she said “I was having problems creating videos for LinkedIn because it took me so much time to record videos I liked. I would do several takes and spend hours with little success or consistency.”
Does this sound like you?
Maybe you get that feeling every time you go to write a post, send a pitch, join a video call, or record a video for LinkedIn. You go into it feeling ready, but at the last second you question yourself. You hype yourself up to “just do it” and record a video, but when you watch it back you’re not sure it’s quite what you want to say, or if your audience will even care.
Or maybe you write a post and publish it, but then delete it in a few hours because it didn’t get any comments. You go watch someone else’s videos who seems to just “have a knack” for this kind of thing and think “why can’t I just get past this block?” You know it’s important to show up for yourself, but it feels exhausting every time you try.
I have good news…you’re not alone. In fact, you’re normal. Yes, there are a handful of people who feel totally natural in front of a camera or they love writing articles and newsletters and they have extra time on their hands to get it all done.
That’s great and all, but The Credibility Program isn’t for them. It’s for you! Because honestly, it should all be a lot more simple. And it can be. You just need strategic support.
That’s exactly what we LOVE doing at The Image Impact Group through The Credibility Program.
I’m thrilled to have normal, camera shy, results driven, busy women enroll in The Credibility Program because they’re shocked at how easy it is! Here’s why it’s so easy.
Each month we’ll get together for a 1 hour video coaching/creation session. After that you receive:
- 4 Edited Credibility Videos
- 4 LinkedIn Articles/Newsletters
- 12 Branded LinkedIn Social Assets
- 20 Minute Mid-Month Status Call to Check In
And you don’t even have to deal with the tech side of things. Once approved, we upload and schedule all the assets so you can sit back and watch your thought leadership reach the masses! Plus, you get a slew of bonuses in your first month.
If you’re ready to say goodbye to the overwhelming and menial tasks of maintaining your online presence, The Credibility Program is for YOU. But we’re not social media managers. We’re strategic experts ready to help you gain recognition as the thought leader you are, and enjoy new opportunities due to your strategic, credible online presence!
Are you ready to show up consistently? Start by taking the Image Impact Assessment. Click below to begin your no obligation assessment.
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