Command Attention & Build Credibility as a Client Facing Leader

Aug 05, 2024

For client-facing leaders, attention is crucial. 

Without it, your relationships with your audience, prospects, and clients suffer. 

They won’t listen, remember, or engage with you—a big issue if your role depends on building and maintaining these connections.

I'm Karyl Morris, CEO and Founder of The Image Impact Group. Today, I’m sharing the foundation and strategy we use with our clients to ensure they remain front and center in their industries.

The Common Denominator of Successful Leaders

At The Image Impact Group, our clients range from CEOs and directors to franchise owners and consultants. Despite their different titles and industries, they all have one thing in common—they're influencers. To maintain their influence, they need the right tools to stay top of mind.

That's where our 360-degree strategy comes into play. This approach ensures our clients have everything they need to influence effectively and consistently. Here’s a quick overview of how we do it, using the acronym IMAGE:

I - Identity

First and foremost, we assess your brand identity. Is it consistent? Does it communicate what it needs to about you? Your brand should be a clear reflection of your professional persona.

M - Messaging

Next, we examine your messaging. What are you trying to say? How well does your message convey your unique value proposition? Your message should be clear, concise, and impactful.

A - Appearance

Your appearance matters. Does it make you stand out or blend into the background? We provide guidance on how to ensure your appearance aligns with your brand and helps you make a memorable impression.

G - Game Plan

Having a clear game plan is essential. How will you go to market? What strategies will you use to get noticed? We help you develop a robust plan that outlines your path to visibility and success.

E - Expertise

Finally, we focus on positioning you as an expert. Are you continually being put front and center? Are you equipped with the tools to attract the meetings and clients you need? Our goal is to make you the go-to expert in your field.

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Putting it All Together

At The Image Impact Group, we do things differently. Our 360-degree strategy ensures you don't just look good—you sound good, do good, and most importantly, you're remembered. Here are a few highlights:

  • Brand Identity: Consistent and clear representation of who you are.
  • Messaging: Effective communication of your unique value proposition.
  • Appearance: Professional and memorable presence.
  • Game Plan: Strategic approach to market visibility.
  • Expertise: Positioning as a thought leader in your industry.

Ready to Elevate Your Influence?

If you're a client-facing leader looking to enhance your influence and build stronger relationships, let's chat. At The Image Impact Group, we're committed to helping you succeed. Reach out to me to discuss how we can tailor our strategies to meet your specific needs.

Talk soon,

Karyl Morris

CEO and Founder, The Image Impact Group

Are you ready to show up consistently?  Start by taking the Image Impact Assessment.  Click below to begin your no obligation assessment.

Image Impact Assesment

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